This project was my first experience with characters and text narrative. The challenge is the implantation of hypotetic BRAULAND, Visitor Center dreamed by Mr Brau in Marapendi Municipal Natural Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The character was trying to be Residential property manager​​​​​​​. MISTER BRAU/ TV GLOBO, Brazilian Broadcaster.
Esse projeto foi minha primeira animação acompanhando um narrador. O desafio era a criação de um hipotético Centro de Visitantes, a BRAULÂNDIA, idealizada por Mr Brau, O personagem defendia sua candidatura a Síndico do seu condomínio, localizado na Lagoa de Marapendi, no Rio de Janeiro.

Mister Brau Team, Season 2016. Executive Production: Ana Gabriela. Direction: Patrícia Pedrosa. Direction Assistant: Joana Clark. Set Designer: Luciane Nicolino
Frog and hipoppotamus​​​​​​​ by Shutterstock, Inc.
Making of
Capture de means elements of Real Place of BRAULAND, Marapendi Park and this elements.
Different techniques to create this animation: draw, photos, watercolor and others.
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